2 results

SNP discovery by exome capture and resequencing in a pea genetic resource collection

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Aubert, Grégoire; Kreplak, Jonathan; Leveugle, Magalie; Duborjal, Hervé; Klein, Anthony; Boucherot, Karen; Vieille, Emilie; Chabert-Martinello, Marianne; Cruaud, Corinne; Bourion, Virginie; Lejeune-Hénaut, Isabelle; Pilet-Nayel, Marie-Laure; Bouchenak-Khelladi, Yanis; Francillonne, Nicolas; Tayeh, Nadim; Pichon, Jean-Philippe; Rivière, Nathalie; Burstin, Judith

Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023) no. e100 p.

Co-obligate symbioses have repeatedly evolved across aphids, but partner identity and nutritional contributions vary across lineages

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Manzano-Marín, Alejandro; Coeur d’acier, Armelle; Clamens, Anne-Laure; Cruaud, Corinne; Barbe, Valérie; Jousselin, Emmanuelle

Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023) no. e46 p.