2 results

Artisanal and farmer bread making practices differently shape fungal species community composition in French sourdoughs

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Michel, Elisa; Masson, Estelle; Bubbendorf, Sandrine; Lapicque, Léocadie; Nidelet, Thibault; Segond, Diego; Guézenec, Stéphane; Marlin, Thérèse; Devillers, Hugo; Rué, Olivier; Onno, Bernard; Legrand, Judith; Sicard, Delphine

Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023) no. e11 p.

Comparison of metabarcoding taxonomic markers to describe fungal communities in fermented foods

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Rué, Olivier; Coton, Monika; Dugat-Bony, Eric; Howell, Kate; Irlinger, Françoise; Legras, Jean-Luc; Loux, Valentin; Michel, Elisa; Mounier, Jérôme; Neuvéglise, Cécile; Sicard, Delphine

Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023) no. e97 p.