1. Governance of the Peer Community Journal
1.1 Organisation
1.2 Executive Board
1.3 Managing Co-ordinator
1.4 Editorial Board
1.5 Team of volunteers for formatting
2. Publication of the Peer Community Journal
1. Governance of the Peer Community Journal
1.1 Organisation
The Peer Community Journal is endowed with:
- An international editorial board (composed of all the managing boards of all the thematic PCIs)
- An executive board (the members of the board of the PCI association)
- A managing co-ordinator (a member of the PCI association)
- A team of volunteers for formatting
1.2 Executive Board
The executive board:
- is legally responsible for the publication of articles
- manages the logistics, funding, administrative aspects and promotion of the journal
- checks all articles before publication and verifies that articles have the right structure, that data scripts and codes are available, that funding and conflicts of interest are properly disclosed, and that articles have the right format
- when it has knowledge of potential misconduct regarding a paper published in Peer Community Journal, the executive board will ask an ad hoc committee of editors to investigate the case. The ad hoc committee will advise the executive board, and based on COPE's recommendations, the executive board will make a decision on what action to take..
Its members are the members of the board of the PCI association:
- Denis Bourguet (INRAE Montpellier, France), denis.bourguet(@)inrae.fr - ORCID
- Benoit Facon (INRAE La Réunion, France), benoit.facon(@)inrae.fr - ORCID
- Thomas Guillemaud (INRAE Sophia Antipolis, France), thomas.guillemaud(@)inrae.fr - ORCID
1.3 Managing Co-ordinator
The managing co-ordinator is responsible for controlling the workflow for article publication.
Barbara Class (INRAE Montpellier, France), contact(@)peercommunityjournal.org - ORCID
1.4 Editorial Board
The editorial board is responsible for the evaluation of articles by each thematic PCI before their transfer to and publication in Peer Community Journal. It checks and validates editorial decisions (rejection, request of modification or acceptance) and recommendations of articles.
It is composed of all the managing boards of all the thematic PCIs.
Section “Animal Science”
Karol Bibiana Barragán-Fonseca (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia) - ORCID
Mohammed Gagaoua (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Rachel Gervais (Université Laval, Canada) - ORCID
Florence Gondret (INRAE, France) - ORCID
François Meurens (University of Montreal, Canada) - ORCID
Rafael Muñoz-Tamayo (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Christian Nawroth (Research Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Germany) - ORCID
Seyed Abbas Rafat (University of Tabriz, Iran) - ORCID
Yuliaxis Ramayo-Caldas (IRTA, Spain) - ORCID
Section "Archaeology”
Nelson Almeida (Univ. Evora, Portugal) - ORCID
Johan Arif (ITB, Indonesia)
Marta Arzarello (Univ. Ferrara, Italy) - ORCID
Ruth Blasco (CENIEH, Spain) - ORCID
Matthew Collins (Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark) - ORCID
Otis Crandell (Univ. Fed. do Paraná, Brazil) - ORCID
Luc Doyon (Shandong Univ., China) - ORCID
Alice Leplongeon (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Alain Queffelec (Univ. Bordeaux-CNRS, France) - ORCID
Florent Rivals (IPHES, Spain) - ORCID
Aitor Ruiz-Redondo (Univ. Zaragoza, Spain) - ORCID
Section “Ecology”
Vasilis Dakos (CNRS, France)- ORCID
Julia Astegiano (IMBIV (CONICET-UNC), Argentina) - ORCID
Tim Coulson (Univ. Oxford, UK) - ORCID
Anna Eklof (Linköping University, Sweden) - ORCID
Dominique Gravel (Univ. Sherbrooke, Canada) - ORCID
François Massol (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Ben Phillips (Univ. Melbourne, Australia) - ORCID
Cyrille Violle (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Section “Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry”
Christian Mougin (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Pierre Labadie (University of Bordeaux, France) - ORCID
Patrice Couture (INRS, Canada) - ORCID
Claudia Cosio (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, France) - ORCID
Section “Evolutionary Biology”
Trine Bilde (Aarhus University, Denmark) - ORCID
Guillaume Achaz (MNHN, France) - Google scholar
Juan Arroyo (University of Seville, Spain) - ORCID
Dustin Brisson (University of Pennsylvania, USA) - ORCID
Julien Dutheil (Max Plank Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany) - ORCID
Marianne Elias (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Inês Fragata (University of Lisbon, Portugal) - ORCID
Matteo Fumagalli (Imperial College London, UK) - ORCID
Tatiana Giraud (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Frédéric Guillaume (University of Helsinki, Finland) - ORCID
Ruth Hufbauer (Colorado S. Univ., USA) - ORCID
Sara Magalhaes (University of Lisbon, Portugal) - ORCID
Caroline Nieberding (UCLouvain, Belgium) - ORCID
Michael David Pirie (University of Bergen, Norway) - ORCID
Tanja Pyhäjärvi (University of Helsinki, Finland) - ORCID
Fernando Racimo (University of Copenhagen, Denmark) - ORCID
François Rousset (University of Montpellier, France) - ORCID
Tanja Schwander (University of Lausanne, Switzerland) - ORCID
Alejandro Gonzalez Voyer (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico) - Google scholar
Section “Forest and Wood Sciences”
Laurent Bouffier (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Laurent Augusto (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Eric Badel (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Bastien Castagneyrol (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Erwin Dreyer (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Harold Duruflé (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Serge Garcia (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Section “Genomics”
Gavin Douglas (North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA) - ORCID
Anna-Sophie Fiston-Lavier (University of Montpellier, Montpellier, France) - ORCID
Jean-François Flot (Evolutionary Biology & Ecology, Univ Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium) - ORCID
Danny Ionescu (Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany) - ORCID
Iker Irisarri (Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, Madrid, Spain) - ORCID
Maxime Tarabichi (IRIBHM, Univ Lire de Bruxelles, Belgium) - ORCID
Section “Health and Movement Science”
Matthieu Boisgontier (University of Ottawa, Canada) - ORCID
Mariane Bacelar (Boise State University, USA) - ORCID
Damien Brevers (UCLouvain, Belgium) - ORCID
Sjoerd Bruijns (VU University, Netherlands) - ORCID
Hakuei Fujiyama (Murdoch University, Australia) - ORCID
Jeremie Gaveau (University of Burgundy, France) - ORCID
Ségolène Guérin (UCLouvain, Belgium) - ORCID
Franco Impellizzeri (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) - ORCID
Linda McLean (University of Ottawa, Canada) - ORCID
Section “Infections”
Thierry de Meeûs (IRD, France) - ORCID
Jessie Abbate (Geomatys, Montpellier, France) - ORCID
Jorge Amich (University of Manchester, UK) - ORCID
Christine Chevillon (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Fabrice Courtin (IRD, Burkina Faso) - ORCID
Christine Coustau (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Heather R. Jordan (Mississippi State University, USA) - ORCID
Karl-Heinz Kogel (Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany) - ORCID
Yannick Moret (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Thomas Pollet (INRAE, France) - ORCID
Benjamin Roche (IRD, France) - ORCID
Benjamin Rosenthal (ARS-USDA, USA) - ORCID
Bashir Salim (University of Khartoum, Sudan) - ORCID
Lucy Weinert (University of Cambridge, UK) - ORCID
Section “Mathematical and Computational Biology”
Celine Scornavacca (University of Montpellier, France) - Google scholar
Luis Almeida (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Raquel Assis (Florida Atlantic University, USA) - Google Scholar
Wolfram Liebermeister (INRAE Jouy-en-Josas, France) - ORCID
Paul Medvedev (Penn State University, USA) - Website - ORCID
Donate Weghorn (Barcelona, CRG, Spain) - Website
Section “Microbiology”
Anne Daebeler (Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic) - ORCID
Sophie Abby (CNRS, France) - ORCID
Roey Angel (Biology Centre CAS, Czech Republic) - ORCID
Craig W. Herbold (University of Vienna, Austria) - ORCID
Cédric Hubas (MNHN, France) - ORCID
Melina Kerou (University of Vienna, Austria) - ORCID
Katharina Kitzinger (University of Vienna, Austria) - ORCID
David K. Ngugi (Leipniz Institute DSMZ, Germany) - Google scholar
Section “Network Science”
Remy Cazabet (University Lyon 1, France) - ORCID
Eleni Akrida (Durham University, UK) - ORCID
Alecia Carter (CNRS, Université de Montpellier, France; University College London, UK) - ORCID
Corinne Bonnet (Université Toulouse - Jean Jaurès, France) - ORCID
Michel Grossetti (CNRS, Université Toulouse Jean Jaurès, France) - ORCID
Norbert Hounkonnou (University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin) - Google scholar
Matthieu Latapy (CNRS, Sorbonne Université, France) - ORCID
Brenda McCowan (University of California, Davis, USA) - Google scholar
Elisa Omodei (Central European University, Austria) - ORCID
Section “Neuroscience”
Florent Lebon (University of Bourgogne Franche-Comté, Dijon, France) - ORCID
Amanda Almacellas Barbanoj (IoN, UCL, United Kingdom) - ORCID
Ian Greenhouse (University of Oregon, USA) - ORCID
Rebecca Jordan (Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Switzerland) - Google scholar
Mahesh Karnani (CNCR, Free University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands) - ORCID
Vincent Magloire (IoN, University College London, United Kingdom) - Google scholar
Thibaut Sesia (University Hospital of Cologne, Germany) - ORCID
Section “Paleontology”
Jérémy Anquetin (Jurassica Museum, Switzerland) - ORCID
Faysal Bibi (Museum für Naturkunde, Germany) - ORCID
Guillaume Billet (Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, France) - ORCID
Andrew A. Farke (Raymond M. Alf Museum of Paleontology, USA) - ORCID
Franck Guy (University of Poitiers, France) - Google scholar
Leslea J. Hlusko (National Center for Research on Human Evolution, Spain) - ORCID
Melanie Hopkins (American Museum of Natural History, USA) - ORCID
Cynthia V. Looy (University of California Berkeley, USA) - Google scholar
Jesús Marugán-Lobón (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain) - ORCID
Ilaria Mazzini (IGAG-CNR, Italy) - ORCID
P. David Polly (Indiana University, USA) - ORCID
Caroline A.E. Strömberg (University of Washington and Burke Museum, USA) - ORCID
Section “Registered Reports”
Chris Chambers (Cardiff University, UK) - Google scholar
Zoltan Dienes (University of Sussex, UK) - ORCID
Corina Logan (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Germany) - ORCID
Benoit Pujol (CNRS, Universite de Perpignan, France) - ORCID
Maanasa Raghavan (University of Chicago, US) - ORCID
Emily S Sena (University of Edinburgh, UK) - ORCID
Yuki Yamada (Kyushu University, Japan) - ORCID
Section “Zoology”
Emmanuel Toussaint (Natural History Museum of Geneva, Switzerland) - ORCID
Dominique Adriaens (Univ Ghent, Belgium) - ORCID
Ellen Decaestecker (KU Leuven, Belgium) - ORCID
Benoit Facon (INRAE, France) - Google scholar
Isabelle Schon (Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium) - ORCID
Bertanne Visser (UCLouvain, Belgium) - ORCID
1.5 Team of volunteers for formatting
The following colleagues spend or have spent part of their time formatting and checking the technical aspects of articles (mandatory sections, metadata, references):
Juliette Tariel Adam, Gavin Douglas, Jeanne Ropars, Camille-Sophie Cozzarolo, Gabrel Caetano, Gerard Rocher-Ros, Maria Rakka, Pascal Quach.
2. Publication of the Peer Community Journal
The Peer Community Journal is published by the Peer Community In organisation - 11 route de Bellet, 06200, Nice, France.
The Centre Mersenne - Cellule Mathdoc, Bâtiment CETA, 150 rue de la Chimie, CS 40700, 38058 Grenoble Cedex 9, France - is responsible for hosting the Peer Community Journal on its dissemination platform for open-access scientific publications.