Number of articles: 44
Section: Microbiology ; Topics: Microbiology, Ecology, Population biology
Comparative abundance and diversity of populations of the Pseudomonas syringae and Soft Rot Pectobacteriaceae species complexes throughout the Durance River catchment from its French Alps sources to its delta
10.24072/pcjournal.317 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e88.
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Section: Infections ; Topics: Biology of interactions, Microbiology, Health sciences
A global Corynebacterium diphtheriae genomic framework sheds light on current diphtheria reemergence
10.24072/pcjournal.307 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e76.
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Section: Microbiology ; Topics: Microbiology, Genetics/Genomics, Population biology
Within-species variation in the gut microbiome of medaka (Oryzias latipes) is driven by the interaction of light intensity and genetic background
10.24072/pcjournal.306 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e72.
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Section: Microbiology ; Topics: Microbiology, Genetics/Genomics, Evolution
Genomic changes during the evolution of the Coxiella genus along the parasitism-mutualism continuum
10.24072/pcjournal.269 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e41.
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Section: Infections ; Topics: Biology of interactions, Microbiology, Plant biology
The helper strategy in vector-transmission of plant viruses
10.24072/pcjournal.258 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e32.
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Section: Microbiology ; Topics: Microbiology, Biology of interactions, Plant biology
Comparative genomics and transcriptomic response to root exudates of six rice root-associated Burkholderia sensu lato species
10.24072/pcjournal.252 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e25.
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Section: Infections ; Topics: Biology of interactions, Microbiology
African army ants at the forefront of virome surveillance in a remote tropical forest
10.24072/pcjournal.249 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e24.
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Section: Genomics ; Topics: Genetics/Genomics, Microbiology
RAREFAN: A webservice to identify REPINs and RAYTs in bacterial genomes
10.24072/pcjournal.244 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e19.
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Section: Infections ; Topics: Biology of interactions, Microbiology
Three-way relationships between gut microbiota, helminth assemblages and bacterial infections in wild rodent populations
10.24072/pcjournal.243 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e18.
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Section: Infections ; Topics: Biology of interactions, Microbiology
Whole blood transcriptome profiles of trypanotolerant and trypanosusceptible cattle highlight a differential modulation of metabolism and immune response during infection by Trypanosoma congolense
10.24072/pcjournal.239 - Peer Community Journal, Volume 3 (2023), article no. e17.
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